Tom Has Left the Building

07 Jan

Wait! Let me explain myself. My wife’s photo blog last night is a picture of my hat and coat – but no me, which was very apropos for today…my last day at my job of the last 6 years. What a big change! So when I saw her picture when I got up this morning, I titled it “Tom Has Left the Building.”

The reason I’ve been so preoccupied of late is that I have been in the process of getting hired by Google. This has been extremely stressful, due to the tension between my strong desire for a positive outcome vs. the long time that it took. The process basically involves a bunch of short, very stressful high-intensity periods of activity punctuated by long periods of nothing happening.

In possibly unrelated news, Google’s stock price has gone from $522.18 to $650.02 (i.e., up just over 24%) since I started down this road. The market approves, apparently. 🙂

I hope to now have a chance to rebuild my mental energy reserves so I have the capacity to write more here again. I think I’ll find writing about whisky to be therapeutic…after I get a LOT of sleep!

I bet you wonder what whisky I celebrated with. No? I’ll tell you anyway: Dalmore Mackenzie. It is outstanding. I was lucky to have a sample on hand, because it’s way more expensive than my usual budget. With that said, now that I’ve had it, I am pretty sure that it’s worth the price.


Posted by on 7-January-2012 in Whisky2.0


2 responses to “Tom Has Left the Building

  1. ChainWhip (@chainwhip)

    17-January-2012 at 10:29

    heard from minh you’d left – good luck in your new role @ google!


    • whisky2dot0

      17-January-2012 at 23:22

      Thanks! I hope you don’t read anything into my departure other than I got an offer I couldn’t refuse.


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